Check out our great competitions for 2024 and start looking for ideas!

EGPS Comp 2024 |
Competition Guidelines
Competition Months
A Group Prints
Entries will be submitted on 'My Photo Club'.
You will see that your entries have been submitted, it will also make it easier for comp co-ordinators, and everyone will see comp results and judges comments even if they can't attend the judging.
Members can access the new site by clicking on the link and then create an account and password.
Once you join, please advise Debbie or Jo so they can add you into our membership list.
Debbie [email protected]
Jo [email protected]
Competition Months
- January
- April
- June
- August
- October
- December
A Group Prints
- A4 Black Mount
- Maximum of 2 x Open entries & 2 x Task entries per member.
- A4 Black Mount
- Maximum of 2 x Open entries & 2 x Task entries per member.
Entries will be submitted on 'My Photo Club'.
You will see that your entries have been submitted, it will also make it easier for comp co-ordinators, and everyone will see comp results and judges comments even if they can't attend the judging.
Members can access the new site by clicking on the link and then create an account and password.
Once you join, please advise Debbie or Jo so they can add you into our membership list.
Debbie [email protected]
Jo [email protected]